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Crusader Kings 2 Battle

카테고리 없음

by lobspupugen1989 2020. 1. 24. 20:06


Crusader Kings 2 Battle

From Crusader Kings II Wiki (Redirected from Battle Events). Current version of the game. It was last updated for 2.6. This page lists event IDs and event links for the event list: Battle Events. Battle Events. On-action battlelost: Imprisoned by the enemy 251: Leading attacker dies, will never trigger from code. I feel like this game doesn't really let you know what happened during the battle, only whether you won or lost. I can't tell you how many times I've had a commander get severely wounded and then I sent him out into battle immediately again only to have him get slaughtered due to the combat penalty. Crusader Kings II is no exception. This game involves not only military action like most medieval games, but also political, economic, and religious action involved with it too. First off the way they shape the character customization is great, no two characters in a game are alike.


The acclaimed 2012 strategy game from Paradox Interactive, is until 1 p.m. ET on Saturday, April 6. This is a free, permanent copy to keep, not a trial. The grand strategy game is available for Windows PC, Linux and Mac.After the giveaway is over, Crusader Kings 2 will be offered at a 75 percent discount.

The freebie appears to be tied to promotional bundles, each offered at discounts ranging from 27 percent to 58 percent.A programmer at Paradox Development Studio ducked into Reddit to answer questions. When someone asked if this was tipping off that a Crusader Kings 3 anytime soon, “From a business PoV, we want more people to discover our games and buy our DLC.”Crusader Kings 2 launched in February 2012 on Windows PC.

Crusader Kings 2 Battle

Crusader Kings 2 Wiki

Set in medieval times, the mixture of diplomacy, court intrigue and military strategy won it a loyal following. In addition to war and conquest, players use marriages and assassinations to maintain their dynasty’s hold on their kingdom.Crusader Kings 2 was followed by 14 expansion packs over the next five years, the latest being November’s Jade Dragon, which added interactions with China and other features. These expansions are part of the bundles on sale on Steam: The Dynasty Starter pack for $28.29, which includes one DLC pack and four expansions; and the Love Bundle for $84.50, which includes all 14 expansions.

Crusader Kings 2 Battle